At Al Rabeeh School, we recognise the importance of keeping our parents well informed of their child’s attainment and progress throughout the year, and have open lines of communication to ensure that both school and families can work together to allow students to achieve their full potential. Parents receive reports three times during each academic year, with formal written reports sent out twice a year; at the mid-year point and at the end of the academic year.
Following the first half-term of learning, all parents are provided with a ‘Settling-In’ report, which informs parents how their child has coped with the first half term of learning, giving a basic mark in all core subjects, as well as an initial target to work upon.
Following the mid-year assessments at the end of Term 1, parents are provided with a Mid-Year report, informing them of their child’s levels of attainment, progress and learning skills in term 1, as well as comments from each teacher and targets towards their learning in the core subjects.
The reports are written by: International, Arabic and Islamic class teachers and also include performance indicators of each pupil’s effort levels, punctuality and attendance and behaviour in school.
The end of year reports, given at the end of the academic year, give further detailed feedback on the Term 1 reports, based on the attainment and progress the students have achieved throughout the academic year. ADEK eSIS results are also provided to parents at the end of the Academic Year.
After each report is given to parents, the opportunity to meet with class and specialist teachers is afforded to parents, through Academic Review days. In these meetings, the reports can be discussed at length and parents will be provided with strategies to support their children in moving forwards with their learning.