

Our learners are assessed in many different ways, to ensure that we have a clear understanding of their levels of achievement and the progress they have made throughout the year. We consistently use data from assessments to plan lessons which meet the needs of our learners.

At the beginning of the academic year, our Year 3 to Year 7 students undertake the GL assessment Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT4) which provide us with rich data that allows us to identify what type of learner each child is and what style of teaching would allow them to develop fully. This form of assessment also gives us crucial information, that we revisit many times over the course of the academic year to determine how much progress each child has made. Students from Year 2 to Year 7 also take part in Arabic Benchmarking Testing (ABT) at the beginning of the academic year. This is then revisited at the end of the year, in order to demonstrate progress in Arabic language skills.

Throughout the academic year teachers assess children’s progress in each lesson, and assess their understanding against English National Curriculum through the use of our online tracking tool Classroom Monitor™. This program allows us to identify children’s levels of achievement, not only in formal assessments but on a day to day basis.

Our students also complete summative assessments in all core subjects of English, mathematics, science, Arabic, Islamic and UAE Social Studies at the end of each term. At the end of the academic year, students in Years 3 – Year 7 will take part in the GL Progress Tests in English, Mathematics and Science. These tests are international benchmark tests, which allow us to compare our students’ levels of understanding against students of the same age from English National Curriuculum schools around the World. This information is reported to parents twice a year, in a formal academic report. Following these reports, parents and students will have the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s attainment, progress and attitudes to learning.